The 5 Question Debrief

It's the end of June!  Hopefully you've already scheduled a mid-year debrief with your team. If not, now is the time.

Here are my 5 favorite debrief questions:

Start with review, checking for confirmation and alignment:

     1. What are our major goals?

     2. Why are these the most important?

Then a look back:

     3. What went well so far with ?

     4. What do we want to improve going forward?

Then apply your strengths:

     5. How do we apply the learning from what went well, especially to those areas that need improvement.

End by creating an accountability process for follow through and celebrating your wins so far this year.

This is also a great time to get your 2017 planning time on the calendars for the fall, while schedules are relatively free.

Karen WalkerComment